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Joseph Cagle

My Projects

Joseph Cagle

My Projects

Attack Chess

A web-based chess training game I developed for Championship Chess, a company that teaches chess in Atlanta public schools.

Ambitious Vision – I redesigned and completely rebuilt the game after deciding to scrap a previous developer's jQuery app.

Big Data Processing – Each chess position in the game is extracted from the Lichess Open Database, which contains over a million chess puzzles from real chess games. Processing scripts applied the first move of each puzzle, then selected resulting positions by number of attacks to optimize gameplay pacing.

Cloud Backend – Firebase Cloud Functions and Realtime DB store game data and manage anonymous leaderboard statistics.

Attack Chess

A web-based chess training game I developed for Championship Chess, a company that teaches chess in Atlanta public schools.

Ambitious Vision – I redesigned and completely rebuilt the game after deciding to scrap a previous developer's jQuery app.

Big Data Processing – Each chess position in the game is extracted from the Lichess Open Database, which contains over a million chess puzzles from real chess games. Processing scripts applied the first move of each puzzle, then selected resulting positions by number of attacks to optimize gameplay pacing.

Cloud Backend – Firebase Cloud Functions and Realtime DB store game data and manage anonymous leaderboard statistics.

attackchess screenshot

Lasers, Inc.

A 130+ FPS terminal game I prototyped inside Neovim, because why should Emacs keep all the fun games to itself?

Continuous Physics – I implemented an animation engine inside Vim from scratch, taking advantage of Python plugin APIs.

Forged by Adversity – My first version of this game was written entirely in Vimscript, which is charming, but rather annoying. I ditched Vimscript for Python when I found out how painful it is not to have classes and objects.

Custom Music and SFX – I wrote the title screen music myself, and learned how to process the music file so the sound is seamless when the music loops. I also added explosions.

Lasers, Inc.

A 130+ FPS terminal game I prototyped inside Neovim, because why should Emacs keep all the fun games to itself?

Continuous Physics – I implemented an animation engine inside Vim from scratch, taking advantage of Python plugin APIs.

Forged by Adversity – My first version of this game was written entirely in Vimscript, which is charming, but rather annoying. I ditched Vimscript for Python when I found out how painful it is not to have classes and objects.

Custom Music and SFX – I wrote the title screen music myself, and learned how to process the music file so the sound is seamless when the music loops. I also added explosions.

Lasers, Inc. preview

A Gatsby site I designed for a church in West Virginia.

Blatant Customer Service – I worked closely with the client to design a site that met their needs, designing mockups and iterating based on feedback. I built CMS-powered configurable content into every part of the site, which gives the client instant edit capabilities and minimizes future tech support calls.

On-the-Job Self-Learning – I learned each technology as I built the site, including Gatsby, GraphQL, Tailwind, image processing, and Contentful CMS.

A Gatsby site I designed for a church in West Virginia.

Blatant Customer Service – I worked closely with the client to design a site that met their needs, designing mockups and iterating based on feedback. I built CMS-powered configurable content into every part of the site, which gives the client instant edit capabilities and minimizes future tech support calls.

On-the-Job Self-Learning – I learned each technology as I built the site, including Gatsby, GraphQL, Tailwind, image processing, and Contentful CMS. screenshot